Atatus Destination

Destination Info
Connection Modes
Device-mode Cloud-mode
Web Web
Mobile Mobile
Server Server

Atatus provides visibility into the performance of an application and its underlying infrastructure under a single dashboard. This visibility can help businesses identify and diagnose issues, and take corrective action to prevent or resolve application issues.

Getting Started

Before you start, make sure Atatus supports the source type and connection mode you’ve chosen to implement. You can learn more about connection modes here.

  1. From the destinations catalog page in the segment web app, click on Destinations -> Add Destination.
  2. Search for “Atatus” in the destination catalog and select Atatus as the destination.
  3. Click on Configure Atatus.
  4. Choose which Data Source should send data to the Atatus destination and click Next.

  5. Enter the desired destination and click Save. You will be navigated to the settings page where you will have to add the API key to start receiving insights.
  6. You can find the API key in your browser project settings.
  7. Enter the API Key in the Atatus destination settings in Segment.

Supported Methods


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like this:

analytics.identify('userid_123', {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""

When you call Identify, the Atatus SDK calls atatus.setUser by passing in the traits you provided. Atatus maps the userId you provide as, which you can use to track user activity and gain a specific user’s performance insights.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Whitelist Urls array, defaults to .

Captures the page views, AJAX and JS Errors from the given domains or URLs and ignores insights from all other URLs.
string. To find your API Key, create a project in your Atatus dashboard. The key should look something like this: 16ae323d8b3244733a981215c9d66e67d
Disable AJAX Monitoring boolean, defaults to FALSE .

If you don’t want to track the AJAX(XHR) requests in your app, then select this option.
Disable Error Tracking boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Set this to true to disable error tracking.
Disable RUM boolean, defaults to FALSE .

You can disable RUM metrics by setting this option to true.
Disable Session boolean, defaults to FALSE .

You can set this option to true if you want to disable reporting of session traces.
Disable SPA boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Set this option to true to disable SPA monitoring.
Disable Transaction boolean, defaults to FALSE .

You can disable the collection of transactions by setting the option to true.
Enable Offline Errors and Metrics boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Enable offline errors and metrics tracking when network connectivity is not available.
Hash Routes boolean, defaults to FALSE .

Atatus removes the hash from the URL and if you’re using hash based routes you can set this option to true.
Ignore Errors array, defaults to .

It is an array of unwanted error messages to be filtered out before being sent to Atatus as either array or regular expressions or strings.
Ignore Urls array, defaults to .

Ignore capturing insights from a given set of domains or URLs.
Report Unhandled Rejections boolean, defaults to TRUE .

This allows disabling or enabling the unhandled promise rejection errors.
Version string. Helps you in filtering the errors from the dashboard using the version.

This page was last modified: 04 Jan 2024

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