1Flow Swift Plugin

1Flow is a leading in-app user survey and messaging platform for Mobile app and SaaS businesses.

Using 1Flow, you can reach users in-the-moment while they are interacting with your website or application to collect highly contextual user insights that help you improve your product offering and customer experience.

Getting started

  1. From the Segment web app, click Catalog, then search for 1Flow Mobile Plugin.
  2. Click Add Destination.
  3. Select an existing Source to connect to 1Flow Mobile Plugin.
  4. Go to 1flow.ai > Settings > Project Settings, copy the 1Flow project key, and paste it into the Destination Settings in Segment.
  5. Depending on the mobile source you’ve selected, include 1Flow’s library by adding the following lines to your dependency configuration.

Adding the dependency

Through Xcode

In the Xcode File menu, click Add Packages. You’ll see a dialog where you can search for Swift packages. In the search field, enter the URL to this repository.


You’ll then have the option to pin to a version, or specific branch, as well as which project in your workspace to add it to. Once you’ve made your selections, click Add Package.

Through Package.swift

Open your Package.swift file and add the following to the dependencies section:

            name: "Segment",
            url: "https://github.com/1Flow-Inc/segment-1flow-ios.git",
            from: "1.0.0"

Using the Plugin in your app

Open the file where you set up and configure the Analytics-Swift library. Add this plugin to the list of imports.

import Segment
import SegmentOneFlow // <-- Add this line

Just under your Analytics-Swift library setup, call analytics.add(plugin: ...) to add an instance of the plugin to the Analytics timeline.

let analytics = Analytics(configuration: Configuration(writeKey: "<YOUR WRITE KEY>")
analytics.add(plugin: OneFlowDestination())


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Identify method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.identify(userId: "peter@example.com", traits: [
    "name": "Peter Gibbons",
    "email": "peter@example.com",
    "mobile": 1234567890

The Segment identify method is equivalent to logUser of 1Flow. userId will be userID and traits will be userDetails.


If you’re not familiar with the Segment Specs, take a look to understand what the Track method does. An example call would look like:

analytics.track(name: "ButtonClicked")

Any value passed in name, will be eventName and if you have passed any event property, then it will be event parameters.


Send Screen calls to record which mobile app screens users have viewed. For example:

analytics.screen(title: "Home")

Segment sends Screen calls to 1Flow as a screen_[name] event (or screen_view if a screen name isn’t provided).

This page was last modified: 19 Sep 2023

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