Analytics React Native FullStory Plugin

On this page

FullStory lets product and support teams easily understand everything about the customer experience. The Segment integration for FullStory helps accurately identify your customers within the FullStory dashboard.

The FullStory Analytics React Native destination plugin was built and is maintained by the FullStory team. For implementation questions and guidance, reach out to them.

Please make sure that your application is correctly set up with FullStory. See FullStory’s React Native documentation to get started.


Install the @fullstory/segment-react-native-plugin-fullstory and @fullstory/react-native dependencies.

yarn add @fullstory/segment-react-native-plugin-fullstory @fullstory/react-native
# or
npm install --save @fullstory/segment-react-native-plugin-fullstory @fullstory/react-native

Run pod install after the installation to autolink the FullStory SDK.


In your code where you initialize the analytics client call the .add({ plugin }) method with an FullStoryPlugin instance.

// App.js

import { createClient } from '@segment/analytics-react-native';
import { FullStoryPlugin } from '@fullstory/segment-react-native-plugin-fullstory';

const segmentClient = createClient({
  writeKey: 'SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY',

const plugin = new FullStoryPlugin({
  // configurations
  enableFSSessionUrlInEvents: true,

segmentClient.add({ plugin });


The plugin accepts a configuration object with the following properties:

Property Description
enableFSSessionUrlInEvents Insert FS session URL to Segment event properties. Defaults to true.
allowlistAllTrackEvents Send all track events as FS custom events. Defaults to false.
enableIdentifyEvents Enable Segment identify events to be sent as FS identify events. Defaults to true.
allowlistTrackEvents An array of event names to allow to send to FullStory. To allowlist all events, use allowlistAllTrackEvents.
enableSendScreenAsEvents Send screen events as FS custom events. Defaults to false.
enableGroupTraitsAsUserVars Enable group event traits to be passed into FS user vars. Defaults to false.


FullStory has included a simple React Native app that implements the plugin. See example README for additional instructions.

This page was last modified: 23 May 2023

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